Recommended Websites
Here you'll find amazing people
who run websites that I've reviewed and found helpful.
Hopefully you can take a look at them.
Click their picture to go to their site!
Kathryn Kellogg
She's the founder of
and the author of 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste.
Her website is filled with lovely advice for people who are new to the zero waste community.
Anne-Marie Bonneau
She has wonderful and delicious recipes along with 7-day menus on her website as well as an entire list on how to shop plastic free.
Mary Kat
She started her lovely blog when she was 16.
In her recipe index she has a long list of appetizing and incredible recipes that anyone can make out of ingredients that don't require packaging.
Lauren Singer
She's an environmental activist, a blogger and an entrepreneur. Her blog and YouTube channel Trash is for Tossers has a great amount of advice on how she achieves her zero waste lifestyle.
She is an expert in sustainable lifestyle choices as well as a blogger and YouTuber. She focuses in sustainability while giving advice on beauty and fashion.
She is a YouTuber and a blogger, in her blog you are able to find lots of tasty vegan recipes as well as sustainable fashion and beauty advice.
Fairyland Cottage
She makes gorgeous content about sustainable living, DIY's and delicious healthy recipes. Her beautiful videos are very inspiration and informative on her minimal waste lifestyle.