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Student Space

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College Application



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Free essay reviews

begin on September 30th, 2023.

Volunteer applications open in July.


How does financial aid work?

FAFSA support number is 1-800-433-3243

Common App

Dear Parent

Parents are welcome in this site. 

Spanish translation services are provided

for schools without accessible translation

services on Wednesday and Thursdays. 

If you have any questions feel free to use the chat!

Continuing Education

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Confused on how to use or find resources in this site?

Use the chat on Wednesdays and Thursdays,

8 AM PST to 11 PM PST.

essential resources

"The impossible is always possible."


Life Lessons

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learning resources

Study Like Rory

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From Gilmore Girls


Some of the resources here are for San Diego. If you are in a different city or a different state please feel free to use the chat button to receive help with finding similar resources to those mentioned here that may take place in your area. If the chat is not active, you may make an appointment for a tutoring session by clicking here, simply mention that you are seeking resources for your area.

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Community Board

To add anything on the board send information through chat.
poster must be provided with link information.
For educational purposes only.

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