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SD County Business Start-Up Resources

Different Terminologies For Business Entities

*LLC (Limited Liability Company)

*Sole Proprietorship




What's generally necessary to start a business?


*An EIN! (An EIN is a Federal Tax Identification Number, similar to a Social Security Number but for a business!) THIS IS FREE!


*A DBA! (A DBA stands for "Doing Business As," it's a Fictitious Business Name, you can file online or in person! This is required only when your business name will not include your surname and the nature of your business. For example "Paola Amador's Bakery" would NOT need a DBA, however, "Paolita's Treats" WOULD need a DBA. The address in file must NOT be a PO Box, it must be a physical address) THIS IS NOT FREE! 

*Please note that if you do get a DBA there WILL be mandatory publication fees, separate from your filing fees, these fees vary by publication service.

*Click here for a copy of different publication services.


Business Licenses & Permits!



Please check both links to review the business permits you will require depending on the location and nature of your business! Business Licenses may be required as well to pay business taxes.


Business Bank Account!

A sole proprietor is not legally mandated to have a business checking account, but from a tax perspective it is very beneficial to keep your business expenses, revenue, and profit organized. When opening a business bank account it WILL be necessary to have a physical address. Please keep in mind any yearly, monthly, and over-draft fees.



Limited Liability Companies

A limited liability company is a business entity that

protects the personal assets of a business owner from lawsuits.

How to open an LLC?

There are a lot of services online claiming that they

can facilitate the process of opening an LLC for you,

but in reality, they're simply charging you for

stuff that has a much lower cost.

The convenience is nice, but you're in the right place

if you want to save money and get to know how

your business will work!

In this link you can submit online your LLC formation.

*Please note that LLCs have an annual $800 tax fee! 


Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a business entity

that is owned and operated by a single person.

How to open a sole proprietorship?

Follow the steps above to open a sole

proprietorship and any other additional steps!

When you're running a sole proprietorship you

should look into a business insurance!

They will not only protect your assets from a lawsuit

but also insure your customer from any damage

your business might cause to them,

or protect you from any claims of theft.

Please note that some insurances don't work with new businesses. Contact your local business insurances.

One example of a small business insurance is Hiscox. 

Anchor 1

Food Permits / Licensing

*Home Kitchen Operations

This link includes Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO) forms, applications, documents, and resources, and Cottage Food Operations (CFO) application submission, and payment method.


Small Business Resources

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